holiday home
The cozy log cabin, located in a forest clearing, is perfect for those who wish to relax away from the hustle and bustle of city life and daily routines. It is ideal for those who value nature and privacy.
A simple, rustic, and unique cabin made from rough logs with a thatched roof,
located on Hiiumaa in Sarve village, along the road to Sarve harbor.
The sea is just a 400m walk away.
Accommodates 4 people.
The price is 90.- per night.
Please note:
- The house does not have electrical outlets or electricity. Forget about electricity and modern water systems – after sunset, the only source of light is the cozy candlelight. (Well, okay, the solar panels do provide a bit of light energy!)
- There is no running water or shower in the house, but there is a well next to the house where you can pump water with your own hands, just like in the old days!
- The house has 2 bedrooms (2 rooms on the upper floor).
- On the lower floor, there is a wood stove-fireplace, a gas stove for cooking, and a fold-out sofa.
- The dry toilet is located outdoors.
- There is a barrel sauna outdoors, with the option to heat washing water over the fire and pump cold water from the well.
Maja väljast
Maja väljast
Mosaiiksed loodusmaastikud, loopealsed, kadastikud, maaliline rand, mitmekesine taimestik, looklevad metsateed, rahulik külaelu – see on imekaunis ja eriline SARVE POOLSAAR
Mais on maja ümber looduslikud murulauguväljad, imeilus!
Maja seest, all on lahtikäiv diivan
Trepp teisele korrusele, kus on 2 magamistuba
Õueala kõib lukku puidust tabalukuga. Pildil perenaine ja peremees
500m mereääres
Kadakased karjamaad ümberrringi
Kärusaunas sauna küttes, saab see 20 minutiga valmis, mõnus kiire, aga naudi kaua tahad.
Ümbuskonna loopealseid hooldavad loomad, nii lambad, hobused kui veised.
Sauna läheme ikka vihaga
Küta sauna, tee ise viht ja vihtle katla ääres nagu ennemuiste.